Freedom to Choose… Freedom to Play… Freedom to Cloud….

I just returned from a week in New Orleans at the Nutanix .Next conference, where I was fortunte to represent eGroup as a partner as well as being part of the Nutanix Technical Champions group.

In addition to being a conference attendee, a co-worker Dave Strum  and I co-presented with one of our customers on the benefits of deploying Nutanix on Cisco UCS hardware, lessons learned and future plans.  It was fun and definintely not like your typical presentation.IMG_0830.jpeg

There’s a lot of blog posts and content around the .Next conference news (Plug for Dave here), and the Nutanix roadmap continues to dazzle and amaze people (ok, me especially) with simplicity, functionality and yes, Freedom.  Keyword here is Freedom.

And this post isn’t about recapping the .next conference, I’ll let my peers and friends handle that.  This post is about Freedom…

HCI Gartner Magic Quadrant

Whether you follow the Gartner Magic Quadrant or not, it’s hard not to see why Nutanix is as hot as it is, and current partners and customers seem to rave over what Nutanix is doing both with current products and future roadmaps.

Pretty cool stuff to see Nutanix leading the charge.  I love Cisco hardware, but I love Nutanix software… Freedom to choose.  Nutanix NX solutions, Nutanix on UCS, Nutanix on Dell, Nutanix on HP, Nutanix on Lenovo, and yes, IBM AIX on Nutanix on IBM Power Linux.  Mind blown yet?

Freedom to Nutanix

The major motto this year at the .Next conference was Freedom.  Nutanix presented 5 Freedoms that the Nutanix Enterprise Cloud provides, and while all the annoucements (Beam, Era, Calm, Flow, etc) are amazingly exciting and provide killer features and functionality for customers, the Freedom concept really struck home with me.  I heard much of the announcements prior with the NTC group, but Freedom struck a cord.

The roadmap with Nutanix is definitley AHV (Acropolis Hypervisor) heavy, but rightfully so.  They’ve built an ecosystem that makes sense, simplifies operations and doesn’t require giving up functionality.

Nutanix isn’t just a software solution, to me it’s a platform of choice, an ecosystem that provides that the ability to Freedom, the Freedom to Choose, the Freedom to Deploy, the Freedom to Cloud.  With Nutanix, I have the ability to help customers choose a roadmap of AHV, VMware, Hyper-V or XenServer.  What fits your busines?  You choose what works for you.

I have good friends and peers at Nutanix, and the one thing that resonates to me in talking with them is the infectious excitement about what Nutanix is doing.  Solutions that move the needle, that make the Business of IT someting more than just a discussion point or cost center.  It doesn’t just make sense, it makes a difference.  From the leadership of Nutanix, to the Sales and SE teams, to the customers.  It’s disruptive.  It can be transformational – if you choose to make it so!

At eGroup, we pride ourselves in helping our customers move that needle, to be better. Nutanix isn’t just a solution that’s feature rich and functionality heavy.  It’s a platform that provides a business the choice of how to deploy, what to deploy, and where to deploy.  The choice to move forward with scale, simplicity and with security.  As I mentioned to somebody today on a phone screening, what really gets me excited is to deploy solutions for customers that make the IT Administrators excited about what they get back in their day to day job.  Nutanix does that for me.   Nutanix does that for my customers.

Freedom to me is the ability to do more than you’ve been able to in the past.  Freedom is the ability to make a choice to do more with less, to make a difference.  It’s the ability to utilize solutions that provide the ability to simplify and secure – Calm and Flow.  It’s the ability to test, deploy and expand – Calm and Era.  It’s the ability to capture, analyze and plan – Central and Beam.  Find more here on the Nutanix Product Page .

Transform – don’t stand still.

To the Nutanix leadership and staff – thank you for doing what you do day in and day out.  For the passion of a platform and solution that disrupts and simplifies.   I’m honored to be part of the Nutanix NTC community, and the Nutanix community overall.

Thanks for reading!

Freedom to Nutanix
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