Freedom to Nutanix

Freedom to Choose… Freedom to Play… Freedom to Cloud….

I just returned from a week in New Orleans at the Nutanix .Next conference, where I was fortunte to represent eGroup as a partner as well as being part of the Nutanix Technical Champions group.

In addition to being a conference attendee, a co-worker Dave Strum  and I co-presented with one of our customers on the benefits of deploying Nutanix on Cisco UCS hardware, lessons learned and future plans.  It was fun and definintely not like your typical presentation.IMG_0830.jpeg

There’s a lot of blog posts and content around the .Next conference news (Plug for Dave here), and the Nutanix roadmap continues to dazzle and amaze people (ok, me especially) with simplicity, functionality and yes, Freedom.  Keyword here is Freedom.

And this post isn’t about recapping the .next conference, I’ll let my peers and friends handle that.  This post is about Freedom…
