Accelerate the migration to Nutanix AHV with Move

If you haven’t taken a close look at the hypervisor from Nutanix, AHV, well you might be missing out on something very valuable – that you already have access to as a Nutanix customer. AHV addresses the majority of the use cases people require with virtualization, and it does so very well with a simple deployment, simple management and POWERFUL features when Prism Central is added (and still powerful when it’s not).


VMware, vExpert, and vCommunity

It’s that time of year again, where most of us in the vCommunity and extended IT community submit our names, along with our accomplishments for the past year to the Community.  Add in a sprinkle of hopes and dreams for some, and the anticipation to find out if we make it starts to hit in late February/early March.
